Labels:bulletin board | crt screen | hakham | monitor | person | poster | sky | tv | windowpane OCR: From a Position Paper of Department 11112 January 1937 Germany can be c1 eansed of Jews only the basis of lif puli from und er the feet of the Jews Germany tha only if they are deprived of the possibili ty engaging in economic activi ty Bolstering the emi gra tion Of Jews-at least of the younger genera tion to area where they can cause no harm to the Reich is an inevi ta ble necessi ty The decrease in emi gra tion may tbe overcome successfully only Jews are subjected sweeping economic dispossession Poli tical and legal pressure increased subs tantially [and] The techni cal possi ibilities or emi gra tion are expanded (BAK R58 124) I1112 cleansed life pull bili Lega